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Other aspects of Yoga Alternative Cure

Yoga : Special Precautions

If you are suffering from Avoid these exercises or asenas
Blood-pressure - hypertension Inverted poses; Breathing exercises that increase pressure in the head; Swinging down from the waist; Any exercise that brings blood to the head.
Weak eye capillaries Inverted poses; Breathing exercises that increase pressure in the head; Swinging down from the waist; Any exercise that brings blood to the head.
Inflamed ears or eyes Inverted poses; Breathing exercises that increase pressure in the head; Swinging down from the waist; Any exercise that brings blood to the head.
Varicose veins Positions that slow down circulation in legs ... e.g. Lotus, sitting back on heels, Supine pelvic . . . or put pressure on leg veins
Prolapse of uterus All strenuous raised poses.
Stomach contractions Do not practice for three hours after meals; Avoid exercising during menstruation or pregnancy or in the case of ulcers.