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Tools For Doctors

Healthcare service: Tools For Doctors

Online Doctor Tools

Our advanced software tools, combined with a comprehensive knowledge base, make doctors' work easier and enable them to treat patients more effectively and efficiently. More doctors are connecting with us to avail of our services due to our robust and user-friendly solutions.

Clinicwala: Revolutionizing Online Doctor Consultations in India

Clinicwala offers online doctor consultations across India. With just a few clicks, doctors can connect with patients from the comfort of their own practice or home. This service is not only convenient and confidential but also an affordable way to expand your practice.

Key Features and Benefits of Our Telemedicine Software for Doctors:

  • Convenience: Our telemedicine software enables doctors to provide medical care remotely, allowing for flexible working conditions and the ability to consult with patients from anywhere, whether from home or another remote location.
  • Expanded Reach: Doctors can extend their reach to patients in distant or underserved locations, thereby broadening their patient base and offering essential medical services where local clinicians might not be available.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduce operational costs by minimizing the need for physical infrastructure. Lower patient no-shows and optimize schedules, allowing doctors to manage their time more effectively.
  • Improved Continuity of Care: Our telemedicine software facilitates continuous monitoring and follow-up care, ensuring that patients adhere to treatment plans and return for necessary follow-ups, which can enhance patient outcomes and satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Patient Management: With our telemedicine software, doctors can keep track of patient interactions and medical records more efficiently. This leads to better-informed decisions and more effective treatment plans.
  • Operational Efficiency: Our telemedicine software streamlines administrative tasks, reduces wait times, and improves the flow of information between healthcare providers. This efficiency allows doctors to see more patients without compromising the quality of care.
  • Secure and Effective Communication: Doctors can securely communicate with patients through video or audio consultations and messaging, ensuring confidentiality and clear, direct communication.
  • Comprehensive Patient Profiles: Access detailed patient profiles, including medical history, lab results, and previous consultations, all in one place. This consolidated information helps in making accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans.

Doctor app: It will aid doctors in keeping track of their patient's information. You can keep track of your appointments in the scheduling calendar. For each appointment, doctors will be alerted. Some common features of doctor apps include:

  • Video or audio consultations.
  • Appointments and scheduling.
  • Health tracking.
  • Personal health records.
  • Getting test results and lab reports.
  • Prescription management.
  • Secure messaging.

Download our mobile app for Doctors: Click Here

All aspects of the doctor's tool

  • Manage Appointments (Book, Reschedule and Cancel): All appointments are consolidated in a centralized view, allowing you to sort and filter by date, time, patient name, or appointment type. Easily book, reschedule, or cancel appointments as needed, providing flexibility and maintaining patient satisfaction.
  • Advanced Doctor's Prescription Writer: This feature allows doctors to create detailed prescriptions, add medicines, diagnoses, lab tests, and advice to patients. Doctors can generate a Prescription PDF for easy reference and sharing, ensuring clear communication and effective treatment.
  • Video Call with Patient: Utilize secure video consultations to communicate with patients, answer questions, and provide personalized care from any location.
  • Comprehensive Packages: Create and save packages that include medicines, lab tests, diagnoses, surgeries, and more for common conditions. Apply these packages to patients with similar issues, saving time and improving consistency in care.
  • Manage Doctor Profile: Manage your professional profile, including experience, qualifications, memberships, awards, and more. Keep your information up-to-date to reflect your expertise and achievements.
  • Manage Services: Create and manage your services, set fees, and schedule appointment times. This feature ensures your availability and services are clearly communicated to patients, enhancing their booking experience.
  • Patient Profile: View detailed patient profiles, including personal information, medical history, and contact details, ensuring comprehensive care.
  • Medical History: Access patients' complete medical records, including past illnesses, surgeries, allergies, immunization history, and chronic conditions, for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • Laboratory and Test Results: Review lab test results, imaging reports, and other diagnostic procedures to track trends and assess treatment effectiveness.
  • Prescription Management: Add notes, annotations, and other relevant information to prescriptions, ensuring clear communication and effective treatment.
  • Apply Packages: Create and apply treatment packages for common conditions, saving time and improving consistency in care.
  • Communication: Utilize video consultations to communicate with patients, answer questions, and provide personalized care.