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Herb Information Alternative Cure

Medicinal Plants : Sassafras officinale



Biological Name

Sassafras albidum, Sassafras officinale

Other Names

Sassafras, Ague tree, cinnamon wood, saxifrax, saloip

Parts Used


Remedies For


Anodyne, antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, stimulant, aromatic, alterative


A hot infusion of sassafras bark makes a good "blood purifier," promoting perspiration and urination. It has therefore been recommended for rheumatism, gout, arthritis, and skin problems. For the latter, as for various ulcers, combined internal and external use is recommended. The bark of the roots contains a volatile oil that has anodyne and antiseptic properties. It has been used in the past as a pain reliever and also to treat venereal disease. American Indians used an infusion of sassafras roots to bring down a fever. Sassafras tea has also had its day as a popular tonic drink.


Sassafras is a native North American deciduous tree. In places it is also grown as an ornamental. The stem, which is usually 10 to 40 feet high but sometimes reaches 125 feet, is covered with rough, grayish bark. The leaves are alternate, downy on the lower side, and variable in shape from ovate to elliptic, entire or three-lobed. The small, yellowish-green flowers grow in racemes, blooming before the leaves appear. The fruit is a pea-sized, yellowish-green drupe.


Infusion: Steep 1 tsp. Bark in 1 cup water. Take 1 cup a day.

Tincture: A dose is 15 to 30 drops.


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