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Medicinal Plants : Plumbago zeylanica


White Leadwort

Biological Name

Plumbago zeylanica

Other Names

White Leadwort, Chitrak, Chitra
Agnimatha, Agnisikha, Bilay-chitramula, Ceylonische Bleiwurz, Ceylon Ieadwort, Chita, Chitaro, Chitawa, Chiti, Chittira, Chittiramulam, Chitrak, Chitraka, Chitramula, Chitra-mulam, Chitruk, Dentelaire de Ceylon, Vellakoduveli, Vellakotuveri

Parts Used

Root, root bark, seeds

Active Compounds

Root contains an acrid crystalline principle called 'Plumbagin.' Plumbagin is present in all the varieties of plumbago to a maximum of about 0.91%.

Remedies For


Root is said to increase the digestive power and promote appetite. Plumbagin stimulates the central nervous system in small doses, while with larger doses paralysis sets in leading ultimately to death. The blood pressure shows a slight fall.

Plumbagin is a powerful irritant and has well marked antiseptic properties. In small doses, the drug is a sudorific; large doses cause death from respiratory failure. It is suggested that the action is probably due to the direct effect of the drug on the muscles.


The root of this herb is a powerful acro-narcotic poison. It causes abortion. It will expel fetus, dead or alive.

The root of the herb is used in cases of enlarged spleen.

This herb is used as part of many ayurvedic compound remedies for rubifacient applications.

Root reduced to a paste is applied to abscesses to open them. A paste made of milk, vinegar, or salt and water may be applied in leprosy and other obstinate skin diseases, unhealthy ulcers, scabies etc.

Ayurvedic doctors recommend the root of this herb for dyspepsia, piles, anasarca, diarrhea, skin diseases etc.

A tincture of the root- bark is employed as an antiperiodic.


This herb is found throughout India. It grows wild as a garden plant in East, North and Southern India and Ceylon. Plumbago zeylanica is an allied species and is considered to be a cultivated variety of Plumbago rosea.


Paste, powders, pills, tincture.


Caution: Do not use when pregnant; use only in small doses. It can cause abortion.

Taken in large doses, this herb can cause paralysis leading ultimately to death. It can also cause death from respiratory failure. It is also a powerful poison. This herb is very dangerous and should not be taken except under the close supervision of a professional.