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Herb Information Alternative Cure

Medicinal Plants : Plumbago indica


Rose-colored lead-wort

Biological Name

Plumbago indica, Plumbago Rosea

Other Names

Chekkikotuveri, Chitra, Chitraka, Chitrakamerah, Chittur-mol, Dentilaire Rose, Kempu Chitramula, Kin-khenni, Kodimuli, Lalchita, Lal-chitarah, Lal-chitarakak, Lal chitra, Raktachitraka, Rakta-shikha, Rakto-chita, Raktochitra, Ratnitul, Rose-colored lead-wort, Rosenrothe Bleiwurz, Shitrapuni, Shivappu Chittramulam, Tambdi Chitraka, Usana, Yerra-chitramulam.

Parts Used


Active Compounds

Root contains an acrid crystalline principle called 'Plumbagin.' Plumbagin is present in all the varieties of plumbago to a maximum of about 0.91%.

Remedies For


Alterative, gastric stimulant and appetizer; in large doses it is acro-narcotic poison. Locally it is vasicant. It has a specific action on the uterus.

Root is said to increase the digestive power and promote appetite. Plumbagin stimulates the central nervous system in small doses, while with larger doses paralysis sets in leading ultimately to death. The blood pressure shows a slight fall.

Plumbagin is a powerful irritant and has well marked antiseptic properties. In small doses, the drug is a sudorific; large doses cause death from respiratory failure. It is suggested that the action is probably due to the direct effect of the drug on the muscles.


A liniment made from bruised root mixed with a little bland oil is used as a rubefacient in rheumatism, paralytic affections, in enlarged glands, buboes etc.

This herb cures certain cases of leucoderma. It is also useful for other skin diseases and for scorpion-sting.

Scraped root is introduced into the mouth of the womb to procure illegal abortion. It will expel the fetus from the womb whether dead or alive.

A tincture of the root is used in secondary syphilis, in leprosy, and also in dyspepsia, piles, flatulence, loss of appetite and other digestive complaints. It is a good remedy to check post partum hemorrhage.

Caution: Use this carefully. High doses are dangerous and can death.

Root, and root-bark are used in making caustic pastes used for rubefacient applications (external).


This plant is commonly cultivated in gardens throughout India.


Contact a professional for suitable dosage. Do not self-medicate.


Caution: Do not use when pregnant; use only in small doses. It can cause abortion.

Taken in large doses, this herb can cause paralysis leading ultimately to death.