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Medicinal Plants : Eucalyptus globulus



Biological Name

Eucalyptus globulus

Other Names

Eucalyptus, blue gum

Parts Used

Leaves, oil

Active Compounds

Volatile oil, the major component of which is l,8-cineole (=eucalyptol), 70-85%; with terpineole, a-pinene, p-cymene and small amounts of sesquiterpenes such as ledol, aromadendrene and viridoflorol; aldehydes, ketones and alcohols

Polyphenolic acids; caffeic, ferulic, gallic, protocatechuic and others

Flavonoids including eucalyptin, hyperoside and rutin.


King's American Dispensatory describes the historic uses this plant thus:

Eucalyptus globulus has for a long time been known as a remedy for intermittent fever among the natives of the countries of its origin. Aside from its alleged utility in intermittents, this agent has had other virtues attributed to it, as follows:

The leaves and their preparations have been successfully used as a tonic and gently stimulating stomachic, in atonic dyspepsia, and in catarrh of the stomach and typhoid fever; also advised in mucous catarrhal affections generally; in pseudo-membranous laryngitis, in asthma, with profuse secretion, and in chronic bronchitis, with or without emphysema, and in whooping-cough; it has likewise proved efficient in chronic catarrh of the bladder, where the urine is high-colored, contains an abnormal amount of mucus, or, perhaps, some purulent matter, and micturation is attended with much pain.
More recently it has been recommended as a diuretic in the treatment of dropsy.

Both the leaves and the oil are excitants and deodorizers, and, as such, have been successfully employed as local applications in bronchial affections with fetid expectoration, in ozena, in fetid or profuse mucous discharges, in vaginal leucorrhoea, offensive lochial discharges, gonorrhoeal discharges, indolent, fetid wounds or ulcers, cancerous ulcerations, in septicemia, and in gangrene.

The leaves may, in some cases, be applied alone, directly to the part, in form of cataplasm; or they may be combined with other articles to form a poultice. The oil may be applied of full strength, or diluted with some other agent.

In throat and pulmonary maladies, a tincture diluted, or a medicated water, may be inhaled in the form of spray; if the oil be employed, it may be dropped on some cotton placed in a small tube, from which the vapor may be inhaled.

As a deodorizer, the tincture or the oil may be sprinkled or sprayed upon the offensive body, or the atmosphere of an apartment may be frequently sprayed with the same.

Externally applied, the oil gives relief in some forms of neuralgic and rheumatic pains.

The leaves of Eucalyptus, made up into cigars or cigarettes, and smoked, have been advised to afford relief in bronchial catarrh, asthma, and other affections of the respiratory organs. The question has been asked, may not the small amount of benefit that might be derived from the minute proportion of oil remaining intact, be more than overcome, and even prove injurious, from the irritating action of the smoke and of the empyreumatic products.

Eucalyptus honey, gathered by bees from Eucalyptus flowers, is quite active, and has been recommended for parasitic and putrescent conditions, gonorrhea, fevers, and catarrhal diseases. It is sedative to the heart, actively diuretic, and increases the elimination of uric acid.

Remedies For

Antiseptic, deodorant, expectorant, stimulant, anti-microbial, anti-spasmodic, febrifuge.

Most eucalyptus medications are made from the greenish- yellow oil obtained from the mature leaves. The oil, or lozenges and cough drops made from it is useful for lung diseases, colds, and sore throat. It can also be used as a vapor bath for asthma and other respiratory ailments, and as an antiseptic bath additive. Its expectorant properties are useful for bronchitis. The oil is also said to be useful for pyorrhea and for burns, to prevent infection. A cold exact made from the leaves is helpful for Indigestion and for intermittent fever. Externally, the antiseptic and deodorant qualities of the oil make it suitable for use on wounds and ulcers.

Combinations : The oil is often combined with Thymus


Eucalyptus is a tall, evergreen tree native to Australia and Tasmania. Among its various species, the blue gum is the one commonly grown in the U.S. The trunk, which grows to 300 feet high or more, is covered with peeling papery bark. The leaves on the young plant, up to 5 years old, are opposite, sessile, soft, oblong, pointed, and a hoary blue color. The mature leaves are alternate, petioled, leathery, and shaped like a scimitar. The flowers are solitary, axillary, and white, with no petals and a woody calyx. The fruit is a hard, four-celled, many-seeded capsule enclosed in the calyx cup.


Boil mature leaves In water and condense the vapor to recover the oil.

An infusion may be made with 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the leaves to a cup of boiling water. Let infuse for 10-15 minutes. The dose of tincture is 1 ml. three times a day.


No information available. Some herbs are known to react with your medication. Please consult your physician before starting on any herb.