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Herb Information Alternative Cure

Medicinal Plants : Anthriscus cerefolium



Biological Name

Anthriscus cerefolium

Other Names


Parts Used

Flowering herb

Remedies For

Digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant.

The juice pressed out of the fresh flowering herb is popularly used for various purposes, including scrofula, eczema, gout stones, abscesses, dropsy, and women's abdominal complain. The infusion is popularly used in Europe to lower blood pressure.


Chervil is an annual plant cultivated in many places as a kitchen spice. The round, finely grooved, branched stem grows 12 to 26 inches high from a thin, whitish root. The leaves are opposite, light green, and bipinnate, the lower leaves petioled, the upper sessile on stem sheaths. The small, white flowers grow from May to July. The elongated, segmented seeds ripen in August and September.


Infusion: Use I tsp. fresh or dry herb with 1/2 cup water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day, unsweetened, a mouthful at a time.


Some herbs are known to react with your medication. Please consult your physician before starting on any herb.