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Hair Care Alternative Cure

Hair Care : How To Reverse Hair Loss?

These are helpful tips to help regenerate hair follicles, but they do not cure any underlying conditions, or stress-related hair loss.

  • Try drinking this - blend bananas with honey, yoghurt & low-fat milk. A drink rich in biotin can help keep your crowning glory firmly rooted.
  • Take dietary supplements such as Vitamin B6, zinc & saw palmetto. Supplements are useful when you can't get enough from natural food sources.
  • Invert your head while you shampoo & massage your scalp. This helps promote blood circulation to the head.
  • Eliminate stress or else it can be disastrous to your precious hair!
  • Get enough sleep.

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff?

Cure for dandruff:

  • Vinegar is poured into the hair, massaged into the scalp, and left to dry for a few minutes.
  • Then the hair is washed.
  • The process is repeated daily until the dandruff disappears, usually within a few days.

Homemade Hair Spray

Chop one lemon (or an orange for dry hair). Place in a pot with 2 cups water. Boil until half of the initial amount remains. Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle. Store in the refrigerator.

If it is too sticky, add more water. Add one ounce rubbing alcohol as a preservative and then the spray can be stored for up to two weeks unrefrigerated.