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Healthy nails indicate overall health and wellness

Healthy nails indicate overall health and wellness

Nail Care

Nails that are strong and smooth lack any abnormalities or discoloration. By taking care of your nails properly, you can keep your nails healthy, strong, and resilient while also preventing infections.


An important aspect of personal hygiene and grooming is nail care. Nails that are strong and smooth lack any abnormalities or discoloration. By taking care of your nails properly, you can keep your nails healthy, strong, and resilient while also preventing infections. Maintaining healthy nails means trimming and cleaning them, moisturizing the cuticles and skin around them, and avoiding practices that could damage your nails, such biting or using harsh chemicals. Additionally, it is important to take notice of any changes or irregularities in the nails because they may be a sign of underlying medical issues.

Tips for Healthy Nail care:

  • Regularly trim your nails: When they become too long, trim them and use a nail file to shape them. Keep sharp objects out of the nails way.
  • Moisturize your cuticles: Cuticles should be moisturized because doing so can assist to avoid dryness, cracking, and infection. To maintain the cuticles nice and healthy, massage moisturizer or cuticle oil into them each day.
  • Protect your nails from damage: Avoid biting your nails, applying harsh chemicals, or exposing your nails to high temperatures to protect them from harm. When performing home tasks, put on gloves to protect your nails from abrasive cleaning agents.
  • Keep an eye out for any irregularities or changes: If the color, texture, or shape of your nails changes, it may indicate a health problem. If you are worried about the condition of your nails, see a doctor.
  • Avoid artificial nails: Avoid using artificial nails since they can harm your natural nails and increase your chance of getting fungus infections. Instead of painting your nails, think about applying a clear coat or gloss to make them look better.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Vitamin and mineral-rich foods can support the maintenance of strong, healthy nails. Eggs, almonds, and salmon are a few examples of foods high in biotin, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids that may be particularly advantageous for the health of your nails.

Doctor to concern:

It is recommended to see a dermatologist or a physician who focuses in skin, hair, and nail health if you are worried about the condition of your nails. Any disorders affecting the nails, such as fungal infections, psoriasis, or nail damage, can be identified and treated by a dermatologist. They can also address any cosmetic worries you may have and offer suggestions for keeping healthy nails.Your primary care physician may also be able to identify and treat the underlying illness if you feel it is causing changes in your nails. For instance, if you have thyroid disease or anemia, it could be affecting the way your nails look.

Disease comes with nail:

The following illnesses and ailments can have an impact on the nails:

  • Fungal infections: Onychomycosis, a kind of nail fungus infection, can thicken, darken, and separate the nails from the nail bed.
  • Psoriasis: Psoriasis can result in thick, discolored nails as well as red, scaly regions of skin that are covered in scales.
  • Trauma to the nails: Trauma to the nails can cause them to become brittle, shatter, or split from the nail bed.
  • Bacterial infections: Paronychia is a bacterial infection that can result in discomfort, swelling, and redness around the nails.
  • Systemic illnesses: A number of systemic illnesses, including diabetes, thyroid disorders, and anemia, can affect the nails, causing thinning, ridges, or discolouration.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: Nutritional inadequacies can result in changes to the nails, such as thinning, brittleness, or white patches. Examples of nutritional deficiencies include a lack of biotin, iron, or vitamin C.

Here are some suggestions for avoiding nail issues:

  • Maintain dry, clean nails: Regularly wash your hands and make sure they are completely dry, especially after doing the dishes, cleaning, or being in the water.
  • Do not bite your nails: Biting your nails can damage them and raise your chances of developing a fungus infection.
  • Wear gloves: To avoid damaging your nails, wear gloves when performing home tasks, gardening, or working with chemicals.
  • Keep a healthy, balanced diet: Healthy nails can be maintained with a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly biotin.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals: The nails can be harmed by harsh chemicals used in nail polish, household cleaners, and other personal care products.
  • Trim your nails regularly: To keep your nails from getting too long and prone to breaking, file and trim them frequently.
  • Avoid wearing tight shoes: To minimize nail stress, wear shoes that are comfortable to wear and have adequate room for your toes.
  • Consult a doctor: If you observe any irregularities or changes in your nails, such as thickening, discolouration, or separation from the nail bed, consult a doctor to determine the cause and administer any necessary treatment.


Taking good care of your nails is crucial for maintaining general hygiene and wellness. You may avoid nail issues and preserve healthy, attractive nails by keeping your nails dry, clean, and away from harsh chemicals. A well-rounded diet full of vitamins and minerals, particularly biotin, can also support the maintenance of strong nails. You may help prevent nail issues and maintain healthy, attractive nails by using the advice in this article. Individuals who are experiencing nail problems or want to maintain healthy nails may benefit from consulting with a dermatologist for nail care.Dermatologists are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair, and nail disorders. Consult now with DR. ARCHANA J. LOKHANDE for healthier nails.

Keywords: Nailcare, Nail hygiene, health, healthcare,Tips for nailcare, Disease,
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